The world is run by evil people. And I’m not talking about second class Hitler type amateur evil whose motivation is revenge, hate and racism. This in D&D is called “Chaotic Evil” and is the less dangerous version, cause you can actually see your enemy for what they are.
I’m talking about the first class, calculating, “Lawful Evil” . Who’s not affected by amateur stuff like racism or hate. They know these emotional motivations and use these for their own benefit. They are so good at what they do, that you can’t even call them evil. They got media so much by the balls, that YOU get to be called evil, fascist, racist for calling them out. Who are these people? I don’t know for sure. Globalists? There are many conspiracy theories about it. Some make sense, some crazy. So I don’t wanna get into who they are. I wanna give my data so you can draw your own conclusion.
- Humanity simply doesn’t deserve democracy. Because an overwhelmingly percentage of people are stupid. Political bias, race, religion doesn’t matter. People are stupid. If some alien race would come to examine humans, they would conclude that we live in colonies just like the bees. Worker bees, working to provide for the queen (and king) bees. You give people democracy, they willingly become mind-slaves to leaders, cultists, or some random celebrities. Today, the “celebrity for no reason” Kim Kardashian has more influence than many political leaders. Democracy is just a very convenient lie to tell people that they are in control and they’re choosing how they run the country. If you ask on the streets in USA “do you want your tax money to be spent on invading some third world countries with bullshit excuses, getting your own soldiers killed, gaining even more hate from the world, and in return get no benefit from it unless you’re a weapons manufacturer or a war profiteer?” how many would say “yes”? Yet no matter where people vote, this reality doesn’t change. In every country I know of, right and left are only superficially different, enough to give people the illusion that they are in control.
- USA openly using and supporting terrorists. You may have known before that US supported some jihadist groups, and then it backfired on them on many occasions. You may think that’s a thing from the past now, but you’d be wrong. The YPG group is a terrorist organization which was created out of PKK, to help fight against ISIS. Why? Because PKK is considered as a terrorist group by many countries including USA. We talked about this in the previous entries, how they carry the banner of the former PKK leader Öcalan, how the heavy weapons provided to YPG by USA ends up in terrorist attacks done by PKK in Turkish cities. Yet Trump denied to call them terrorists and instead were calling them “the Kurds”, making people believing the Turkish army is fighting against Kurds. Imagine some media saying that “USA is fighting against Muslims” instead of “ISIS”. Of course that can’t happen because the media is owned by globalists. Not by us.
When ANTIFA attacked the streets of USA, Trump said they will declare ATNIFA as a terrorist organization. Funny. Who was the mentor of ANTIFA? It’s in the photo:

So according to Trump, ANTIFA is a terrorist group, but their mentor YPG is just “Kurdish warriors fighting against ISIS”. Everyone sees this, it’s not a hidden knowledge or something, yet people keep on looking the other way while USA is using a terrorist group as we speak. They prefer to look the other way, only because they don’t wanna be on bad terms with the big bully of the schoolyard. Still don’t believe the world is run by evil?
- But still, Trump was a second class villain. Because the most effective way to be a bully is to declare yourself the victim.
They use Black Lives Matter in a way to gain support from minorities who hate the white guys for what they have done. But unfortunately, by doing so they’re empowering those white guys who decide to use minorities to get victim points. Many black people speak up and ask “if you care so much about black lives, why don’t you try to stop black on black crimes which is actually the biggest reason of black deaths?” The reason is, they don’t actually care about black lives, they care about victim points to force themselves into being “the good guys”
They use “oppressed women” card to get victim points from any woman who would happen to hate men for any reason or blame men for their failure. A comedian was asking “how did white women join the oppressed train, while they were together with the oppressors for years?” Again, helping the oppressed doesn’t matter. They need to create a victimhood to get more victim points.
Trump talked about illegal immigrants from Mexico and immediately the other side started making movies about Mexicans, giving them awards, main roles in movies and all that stuff which actually don’t matter, other than gaining victim points again.
This political correctness trend is unfortunately more dangerous than many people’s assumptions. This “everything is offensive, everyone is racist, everyone is fascist” trend is just helping the real bullies tighten their grip on the throat of the world. Because:
1) If you’re racist or fascist, you’re an evil person, you’re no different than Hitler, and anything done to you is fair.
2) Anyone we don’t like is fascist and racist, thus it legitimizes our bullying.
Today many celebrities cannot even “not say” what their political view is. They are constantly being bullied by Twitter. Twitter thinks this is ok and free speech. But when it comes talking back, then it’s racism and hate speech, so you get banned. When you tell lies about certain groups, it’s all free speech, but if those groups talk back, it’s “disinformation” and you get banned.
Youtube, a giant company, openly writes “Black lives matter” on their Twitter page, showing their political view, telling they will help black people to get more exposure. (BTW, the “black lives matter is not a political view, you don’t think black lives matter?” argument is as logical as saying “Make America great again is not a political view, you don’t want America to be great?” so shut up) Yet they only expose the black people who talk the way they approve. Lily Singh can openly be racist about white people, yet if someone would say the same thing to her, that would be racism and that person would be banned, or at least striked.
Patreon says they will look at the skin color of their users and sponsor them with money if they are black. Those people who make makeup videos, gaming videos, most of them being already much richer and privileged than I am, will get more support because I don’t have the correct skin color. And when I complain them about this, they reply with “you can end your membership”. Imagine this being done the other way. A company saying “they will sponsor whites” and when someone complains, telling them to end their membership. That company or site would be cancelled into oblivion. People would literally keep tabs on who uses that site and attack each of them from Twitter, the “free cyber bullying platform. You can create multiple accounts, make yourself look ten times more than how many you are, you can attack with fake names, IF we like what you say”.
- Have you ever wondered how the world would be if Nazis had won? There are TV shows and books about it, showing a very grim, almost post-apocalyptic world. But would it really be? How do we even know the good guys won? How do we know there were any good guys to begin with? When you compare allies and Nazis, both killed civilians, both sides were racist (down to children’s cartoons), both of them did genetic experiments on innocent people (eugenics, MK Ultra etc), both of them bombed civilian cities (Dresden), both are very experienced on invading and plundering weaker countries (Africa, Middle East, India, etc). The only difference is, things allies did are just wikipedia articles, while they make a few Nazi movies every year.
Why am I saying all these crazy things? Because I don’t think it’s possible to be an empire and not be evil. We are just made to believe the good guys won, or that there are any good guys in this conflict, because they are the ones who wrote the history. And if anyone else won, we would see those people as the good guys, and maybe be thankful the “evil allies” didn’t win.
So I unfortunately don’t think it’s an accident the world is run by some “behind the curtains” evil people. I think as humans, we evolve in the way that being evil is an advantage. Because humanity is so stupid and gullible, they will always take sweet lies instead of sour truth, so the liars always win. That’s why all the powerful countries have evil background, or why the most aggressive religions are more successful, or most successful CEOs are mostly assholes.
(Will probably be updated)