The Burning of Gandhi’s Statue in Armenia — Does “Armenophobia” Really Exist?
I wanted to write about it when some Armenians burned down the statue of Gandhi for “being friendly with Turks and not accepting the Armenian Genocide claims”, but I had better things to do than to pick a fight with some internet bullies who have licenses to be bullies because they are declared “victims”. It’s easy for me to shut up and go on with my business but here’s the thing, same with the religious bigots in Turkey, these guys just keep on talking crap, and at some point you can’t keep quiet. And in the end u become the bad guy for talking back.

What’s more important is, I’m not writing these pieces to pick a fight with Armenians, instead, I’m trying to see if there are any level headed Armenians who are willing to put the past behind and have real conversations. Many people don’t recognize this probably, but if you’re Turkish and you’re successful, you become targets for these Armenian hate groups and the social media platform just lets it happen, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, they all call this piling up & lynching “free speech”. I told you before that YT’s “anti-bullying policy” is a joke and only works where it’s convenient for YT.
In Instagram, Elon Musk visits Turkey and shares a quote from Atatürk, and Armenians appear in the comments harassing him for liking a Turk. They don’t even realize the founder of Turkish republic, Atatürk, has nothing to do even with the allegations of Armenian genocide, furthermore, after he founded the republic, he put Armenians in strategic places to ensure inclusiveness. He was into inclusiveness and diversity before it was the trendy thing. And thanks to him, we have many Armenian citizens living in Turkey, Armenians have their own places for prayer, they have their own newspapers. So it’s not like these lobbyists or Charlie Hebdo cartoonists claim, that Turkish soldiers are looking for Armenians so kill in Turkey.
Or Kobe Bryant getting harassed by Armenians again for getting sponsored by “Turkish Airlines”, even making it to the news for this “unacceptable behavior”, and in the end dying in a private plane accident which had an Armenian pilot. Could be coincidence of course.
Now they created more “Armenophobia” news in Turkey with the same hashtag. The news they shared is someone in Turkey realized he has Armenian genes and committed suicide. This is fake news because if it was real, it would be on the Turkish news for sure. What people don’t understand is we have very strong media opposing Erdoğan, some from Turkey, and some from outside (like BBC Turkish or DW Turkish). There’s no way they’d skip these news.

What I’m trying to understand is, do these people represent the majority of Armenians, or are they just a gate-keeping group for them. This happens all the time, gate-keeping groups for LGBT rights, feminism, black rights, secularism, etc. Why is this important? So that for example people would think every black supports Black Lives Matter which is far from the truth. When BLM came out in 2015, there were many black talking against it, realizing what lies under the movement, but in 2020 you can’t find those people anymore, and there’s a very very strong shadowbanning going on in Youtube now to clear out the unwanted voices. Why is shadowbanning is a huge thing? Because it makes it possible for Youtube to eliminate anyone who obey all the terms, but say unwanted things. It’s amazing that some people simply won’t come up in the search engine, even if you type the exact title in the search bar, or some people keep losing subs because of “glitches”.
So I don’t want to talk about all the Armenians when talking about this hate and racism against anyone and anything Turkish. Maybe it’s a select group. Some people definitely live to hate because they wanna be declared victims. Maybe I’ll talk about this in more detail in the future, but the world’s most powerful organization is also a terrorist organization (I don’t know what they’re called or if they’re called anything). And their biggest weapon is creating victimhood, to legitimize the terror they cast on the people. More on this later.