We see it in USA every year. 24th of April, “Remembering the Genocide”. We see Turkish flags being burnt, trampled on, the whole area full with hate and people screaming like animals and in every corner anti-Turkish slogans and bills. First of all, please don’t give me that “oh, it’s the freedom of speech” bullshit. Because I know USA only tolerates certain types of racism. On my 1 year stay in USA, I realized it’s far from “land of the free” and you can actually be sued for ridiculous things. You actually have to be very careful. I remember an Australian show with 5 white people trying to impersonate “the Jackson 5” by black-facing, and they were basically thrown out of the stage in 5 seconds. The American judge said “you wouldn’t get away with it if you were in USA”. So no, there is no freedom of expression. If you even accidentally say something racist, you don’t go to jail, but you may lose your job, and have a hard time getting another one. Then why else? Well I know your answer, because Turks are evil and they deserve the hate. Right? Seriously bro? We deserve being hated because of something a coup d’etat government did? Our flag deserves the hate? It’s ok to be racist against Turks? Can you imagine one second, that Jews gathering for the Holocaust and burning German flags? Or talking racist slogans against Germans? You can’t even imagine it right? So what’s the difference? You may tell lots of excuses, but here’s the actual difference. Turkey is not strong enough to make you care, but Germany is. It would be something big if you had a German crisis, it would have consequences. That’s the difference.
And of course almost every time, Kurdistan flags with them. Ask those guys how come they’re in Los Angelese while the actual Kurds are being recruited as militants to die for them. I actually feel pity for those people. They actually believe in what they do. That’s how they were raised. To hate. The reality is, the imperialist countries want a Kurdish and Armenian land which is totally controlled by USA to act as another Israel. I can see this happening even today, Kurdistan region in Iraq covered with American flags because they help them fight against isis. And who brought isis? Where did THAT come from? I had caught an idea from the history enthusiast Dan Carlin. He said that throughout history, there are historical arsenists. Like Mongols, or Romans. They attack where there are many small civilizations, destoy them, and then get destroyed itself to clear out space for bigger empires to move in. I strongly believe isis is an artificially created historical arsenist. Explains every stupid move they make to gain more hatred. Once they burn down all the small countries to ashes, USA will enter, destroy isis and locate there once and for all, without even being called an invader. And that’s also why they want seperate Kurdish and expanded Armenian countries. Those poor people have been pawned ever since I know history. That’s why they were never happy. Well you know what, what the hell. They deserve it for not thinking for themselves and believing all the hate they’ve been fed ever since their childhood. As I always say, I’d rather be on the receiving end of mindless hate, than to be mindless myself. I don’t believe in “ignorance is bliss”.